
Pensions in your 50s

In your 50s you're in one of the best positions to revise and hone your pension and retirement plans. If you haven't started a pension yet, then it's still not too late.


Products are provided by Irish Life Assurance and advice is provided by Irish Life Financial Services.

How to improve your pension in your 50s

Review your pension

Plan for your retirement lifestyle

Consider AVCs (Additional Voluntary Contributions)

Think about combining your pensions

Feature List

Why start a pension in your 50s?

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Comfort in retirement

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Receive tax benefits

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Grow disposable income

Why choose Irish Life?

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Guide you to retirement

Our advisors are on hand to help you and offer guidance.

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Support in retirement

We support our customers up until and after retirement.

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Award-winning pension provider

Making us one of Ireland's leading pension providers.

Your pension questions answered